Source code for

from torch.nn import Parameter

import pyro.distributions as dist
from import Parameterized

[docs]class GPLVM(Parameterized): """ Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM) model. GPLVM is a Gaussian Process model with its train input data is a latent variable. This model is useful for dimensional reduction of high dimensional data. Assume the mapping from low dimensional latent variable to is a Gaussian Process instance. Then the high dimensional data will play the role of train output ``y`` and our target is to learn latent inputs which best explain ``y``. For the purpose of dimensional reduction, latent inputs should have lower dimensions than ``y``. We follows reference [1] to put a unit Gaussian prior to the input and approximate its posterior by a multivariate normal distribution with two variational parameters: ``X_loc`` and ``X_scale_tril``. For example, we can do dimensional reduction on Iris dataset as follows: >>> # With y as the 2D Iris data of shape 150x4 and we want to reduce its dimension >>> # to a tensor X of shape 150x2, we will use GPLVM. .. doctest:: :hide: >>> # Simulating iris data. >>> y = torch.stack([dist.Normal(4.8, 0.1).sample((150,)), ... dist.Normal(3.2, 0.3).sample((150,)), ... dist.Normal(1.5, 0.4).sample((150,)), ... dist.Exponential(0.5).sample((150,))]) >>> # First, define the initial values for X parameter: >>> X_init = torch.zeros(150, 2) >>> # Then, define a Gaussian Process model with input X_init and output y: >>> kernel = gp.kernels.RBF(input_dim=2, lengthscale=torch.ones(2)) >>> Xu = torch.zeros(20, 2) # initial inducing inputs of sparse model >>> gpmodule = gp.models.SparseGPRegression(X_init, y, kernel, Xu) >>> # Finally, wrap gpmodule by GPLVM, optimize, and get the "learned" mean of X: >>> gplvm = gp.models.GPLVM(gpmodule) >>> gp.util.train(gplvm) # doctest: +SKIP >>> X = gplvm.X Reference: [1] Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model Michalis K. Titsias, Neil D. Lawrence :param base_model: A Pyro Gaussian Process model object. Note that ``base_model.X`` will be the initial value for the variational parameter ``X_loc``. """ def __init__(self, base_model): super(GPLVM, self).__init__() if base_model.X.dim() != 2: raise ValueError("GPLVM model only works with 2D latent X, but got " "X.dim() = {}.".format(base_model.X.dim())) self.base_model = base_model self.X = Parameter(self.base_model.X) self.set_prior("X", dist.Normal(self.X.new_zeros(self.X.shape), 1.).to_event()) self.autoguide("X", dist.Normal)
[docs] def model(self): self.mode = "model" # X is sampled from prior will be put into base_model self.base_model.set_data(self.X, self.base_model.y) self.base_model.model()
[docs] def guide(self): self.mode = "guide" # X is sampled from guide will be put into base_model self.base_model.set_data(self.X, self.base_model.y)
[docs] def forward(self, **kwargs): """ Forward method has the same signal as its ``base_model``. Note that the train input data of ``base_model`` is sampled from GPLVM. """ self.mode = "guide" self.base_model.set_data(self.X, self.base_model.y) return self.base_model(**kwargs)