
PyTorch Distributions

Most distributions in Pyro are thin wrappers around PyTorch distributions. For details on the PyTorch distribution interface, see torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution. For differences between the Pyro and PyTorch interfaces, see TorchDistributionMixin.


class Bernoulli(probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.bernoulli.Bernoulli with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Beta(concentration1, concentration0, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.beta.Beta with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Binomial(total_count=1, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.binomial.Binomial with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Categorical(probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)[source]

Wraps torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Cauchy(loc, scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.cauchy.Cauchy with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Chi2(df, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.chi2.Chi2 with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Dirichlet(concentration, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.dirichlet.Dirichlet with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Exponential(rate, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.exponential.Exponential with TorchDistributionMixin.


class ExponentialFamily(batch_shape=torch.Size([]), event_shape=torch.Size([]), validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.exp_family.ExponentialFamily with TorchDistributionMixin.


class FisherSnedecor(df1, df2, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.fishersnedecor.FisherSnedecor with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Gamma(concentration, rate, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.gamma.Gamma with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Geometric(probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.geometric.Geometric with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Gumbel(loc, scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.gumbel.Gumbel with TorchDistributionMixin.


class HalfCauchy(scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.half_cauchy.HalfCauchy with TorchDistributionMixin.


class HalfNormal(scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.half_normal.HalfNormal with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Independent(base_distribution, reinterpreted_batch_ndims, validate_args=None)[source]

Wraps torch.distributions.independent.Independent with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Laplace(loc, scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.laplace.Laplace with TorchDistributionMixin.


class LogNormal(loc, scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.log_normal.LogNormal with TorchDistributionMixin.


class LogisticNormal(loc, scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.logistic_normal.LogisticNormal with TorchDistributionMixin.


class LowRankMultivariateNormal(loc, cov_factor, cov_diag, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.lowrank_multivariate_normal.LowRankMultivariateNormal with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Multinomial(total_count=1, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.multinomial.Multinomial with TorchDistributionMixin.


class MultivariateNormal(loc, covariance_matrix=None, precision_matrix=None, scale_tril=None, validate_args=None)[source]

Wraps torch.distributions.multivariate_normal.MultivariateNormal with TorchDistributionMixin.


class NegativeBinomial(total_count, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.negative_binomial.NegativeBinomial with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Normal(loc, scale, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.normal.Normal with TorchDistributionMixin.


class OneHotCategorical(probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.one_hot_categorical.OneHotCategorical with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Pareto(scale, alpha, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.pareto.Pareto with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Poisson(rate, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.poisson.Poisson with TorchDistributionMixin.


class RelaxedBernoulli(temperature, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.relaxed_bernoulli.RelaxedBernoulli with TorchDistributionMixin.


class RelaxedOneHotCategorical(temperature, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.relaxed_categorical.RelaxedOneHotCategorical with TorchDistributionMixin.


class StudentT(df, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.studentT.StudentT with TorchDistributionMixin.


class TransformedDistribution(base_distribution, transforms, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.transformed_distribution.TransformedDistribution with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Uniform(low, high, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform with TorchDistributionMixin.


class Weibull(scale, concentration, validate_args=None)

Wraps torch.distributions.weibull.Weibull with TorchDistributionMixin.

Pyro Distributions

Abstract Distribution

class Distribution[source]

Bases: object

Base class for parameterized probability distributions.

Distributions in Pyro are stochastic function objects with sample() and log_prob() methods. Distribution are stochastic functions with fixed parameters:

d = dist.Bernoulli(param)
x = d()                                # Draws a random sample.
p = d.log_prob(x)                      # Evaluates log probability of x.

Implementing New Distributions:

Derived classes must implement the methods: sample(), log_prob().


Take a look at the examples to see how they interact with inference algorithms.

__call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Samples a random value (just an alias for .sample(*args, **kwargs)).

For tensor distributions, the returned tensor should have the same .shape as the parameters.

Returns:A random value.
Return type:torch.Tensor

Returns a representation of the parametrized distribution’s support, along the first dimension. This is implemented only by discrete distributions.

Note that this returns support values of all the batched RVs in lock-step, rather than the full cartesian product.

Parameters:expand (bool) – whether to expand the result to a tensor of shape (n,) + batch_shape + event_shape. If false, the return value has unexpanded shape (n,) + (1,)*len(batch_shape) + event_shape which can be broadcasted to the full shape.
Returns:An iterator over the distribution’s discrete support.
Return type:iterator
has_enumerate_support = False
has_rsample = False
log_prob(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluates log probability densities for each of a batch of samples.

Parameters:x (torch.Tensor) – A single value or a batch of values batched along axis 0.
Returns:log probability densities as a one-dimensional Tensor with same batch size as value and params. The shape of the result should be self.batch_size.
Return type:torch.Tensor
sample(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Samples a random value.

For tensor distributions, the returned tensor should have the same .shape as the parameters, unless otherwise noted.

Parameters:sample_shape (torch.Size) – the size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution.
Returns:A random value or batch of random values (if parameters are batched). The shape of the result should be self.shape().
Return type:torch.Tensor
score_parts(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Computes ingredients for stochastic gradient estimators of ELBO.

The default implementation is correct both for non-reparameterized and for fully reparameterized distributions. Partially reparameterized distributions should override this method to compute correct .score_function and .entropy_term parts.

Parameters:x (torch.Tensor) – A single value or batch of values.
Returns:A ScoreParts object containing parts of the ELBO estimator.
Return type:ScoreParts


class TorchDistributionMixin[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.distribution.Distribution

Mixin to provide Pyro compatibility for PyTorch distributions.

You should instead use TorchDistribution for new distribution classes.

This is mainly useful for wrapping existing PyTorch distributions for use in Pyro. Derived classes must first inherit from torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution and then inherit from TorchDistributionMixin.


Samples a random value.

This is reparameterized whenever possible, calling rsample() for reparameterized distributions and sample() for non-reparameterized distributions.

Parameters:sample_shape (torch.Size) – the size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution.
Returns:A random value or batch of random values (if parameters are batched). The shape of the result should be self.shape().
Return type:torch.Tensor
Returns:Number of dimensions of individual events.
Return type:int

The tensor shape of samples from this distribution.

Samples are of shape:

d.shape(sample_shape) == sample_shape + d.batch_shape + d.event_shape
Parameters:sample_shape (torch.Size) – the size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution.
Returns:Tensor shape of samples.
Return type:torch.Size

Expands a distribution by adding sample_shape to the left side of its batch_shape.

To expand internal dims of self.batch_shape from 1 to something larger, use expand() instead.

Parameters:sample_shape (torch.Size) – The size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution.
Returns:An expanded version of this distribution.
Return type:ReshapedDistribution
reshape(sample_shape=None, extra_event_dims=None)[source]

Reinterprets the n rightmost dimensions of this distributions batch_shape as event dims, adding them to the left side of event_shape.


>>> [d1.batch_shape, d1.event_shape]
[torch.Size([2, 3]), torch.Size([4, 5])]
>>> d2 = d1.to_event(1)
>>> [d2.batch_shape, d2.event_shape]
[torch.Size([2]), torch.Size([3, 4, 5])]
>>> d3 = d1.to_event(2)
>>> [d3.batch_shape, d3.event_shape]
[torch.Size([]), torch.Size([2, 3, 4, 5])]
Parameters:reinterpreted_batch_ndims (int) – The number of batch dimensions to reinterpret as event dimensions.
Returns:A reshaped version of this distribution.
Return type:pyro.distributions.torch.Independent

Masks a distribution by a zero-one tensor that is broadcastable to the distributions batch_shape.

Parameters:mask (torch.Tensor) – A zero-one valued float tensor.
Returns:A masked copy of this distribution.
Return type:MaskedDistribution


class TorchDistribution(batch_shape=torch.Size([]), event_shape=torch.Size([]), validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution, pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistributionMixin

Base class for PyTorch-compatible distributions with Pyro support.

This should be the base class for almost all new Pyro distributions.


Parameters and data should be of type Tensor and all methods return type Tensor unless otherwise noted.

Tensor Shapes:

TorchDistributions provide a method .shape() for the tensor shape of samples:

x = d.sample(sample_shape)
assert x.shape == d.shape(sample_shape)

Pyro follows the same distribution shape semantics as PyTorch. It distinguishes between three different roles for tensor shapes of samples:

  • sample shape corresponds to the shape of the iid samples drawn from the distribution. This is taken as an argument by the distribution’s sample method.
  • batch shape corresponds to non-identical (independent) parameterizations of the distribution, inferred from the distribution’s parameter shapes. This is fixed for a distribution instance.
  • event shape corresponds to the event dimensions of the distribution, which is fixed for a distribution class. These are collapsed when we try to score a sample from the distribution via d.log_prob(x).

These shapes are related by the equation:

assert d.shape(sample_shape) == sample_shape + d.batch_shape + d.event_shape

Distributions provide a vectorized log_prob() method that evaluates the log probability density of each event in a batch independently, returning a tensor of shape sample_shape + d.batch_shape:

x = d.sample(sample_shape)
assert x.shape == d.shape(sample_shape)
log_p = d.log_prob(x)
assert log_p.shape == sample_shape + d.batch_shape

Implementing New Distributions:

Derived classes must implement the methods sample() (or rsample() if .has_rsample == True) and log_prob(), and must implement the properties batch_shape, and event_shape. Discrete classes may also implement the enumerate_support() method to improve gradient estimates and set .has_enumerate_support = True.


class AVFMultivariateNormal(loc, scale_tril, control_var)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch.MultivariateNormal

Multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution with transport equation inspired control variates (adaptive velocity fields).

A distribution over vectors in which all the elements have a joint Gaussian density.

  • loc (torch.Tensor) – D-dimensional mean vector.
  • scale_tril (torch.Tensor) – Cholesky of Covariance matrix; D x D matrix.
  • control_var (torch.Tensor) – 2 x L x D tensor that parameterizes the control variate; L is an arbitrary positive integer. This parameter needs to be learned (i.e. adapted) to achieve lower variance gradients. In a typical use case this parameter will be adapted concurrently with the loc and scale_tril that define the distribution.

Example usage:

control_var = torch.tensor(0.1 * torch.ones(2, 1, D), requires_grad=True)
opt_cv = torch.optim.Adam([control_var], lr=0.1, betas=(0.5, 0.999))

for _ in range(1000):
    d = AVFMultivariateNormal(loc, scale_tril, control_var)
    z = d.rsample()
    cost = torch.pow(z, 2.0).sum()
arg_constraints = {'control_var': Real(), 'loc': Real(), 'scale_tril': LowerTriangular()}


class BetaBinomial(concentration1, concentration0, total_count=1, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Compound distribution comprising of a beta-binomial pair. The probability of success (probs for the Binomial distribution) is unknown and randomly drawn from a Beta distribution prior to a certain number of Bernoulli trials given by total_count.

  • or torch.Tensor concentration1 (float) – 1st concentration parameter (alpha) for the Beta distribution.
  • or torch.Tensor concentration0 (float) – 2nd concentration parameter (beta) for the Beta distribution.
  • or torch.Tensor total_count (int) – number of Bernoulli trials.
arg_constraints = {'concentration0': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'concentration1': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'total_count': IntegerGreaterThan(lower_bound=0)}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
has_enumerate_support = True


class Delta(v, log_density=0.0, event_dim=0, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Degenerate discrete distribution (a single point).

Discrete distribution that assigns probability one to the single element in its support. Delta distribution parameterized by a random choice should not be used with MCMC based inference, as doing so produces incorrect results.

  • v (torch.Tensor) – The single support element.
  • log_density (torch.Tensor) – An optional density for this Delta. This is useful to keep the class of Delta distributions closed under differentiable transformation.
  • event_dim (int) – Optional event dimension, defaults to zero.
arg_constraints = {'log_density': Real(), 'v': Real()}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
has_rsample = True
support = Real()


class DirichletMultinomial(concentration, total_count=1, is_sparse=False, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Compound distribution comprising of a dirichlet-multinomial pair. The probability of classes (probs for the Multinomial distribution) is unknown and randomly drawn from a Dirichlet distribution prior to a certain number of Categorical trials given by total_count.

  • or torch.Tensor concentration (float) – concentration parameter (alpha) for the Dirichlet distribution.
  • or torch.Tensor total_count (int) – number of Categorical trials.
  • is_sparse (bool) – Whether to assume value is mostly zero when computing log_prob(), which can speed up computation when data is sparse.
arg_constraints = {'concentration': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'total_count': IntegerGreaterThan(lower_bound=0)}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]


class DiscreteHMM(initial_logits, transition_logits, observation_dist, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Hidden Markov Model with discrete latent state and arbitrary observation distribution. This uses [1] to parallelize over time, achieving O(log(time)) parallel complexity.

The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:

event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape

This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of transition_logits and observation_dist. However, because time is included in this distribution’s event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with num_steps = 1, allowing log_prob() to work with arbitrary length data:

# homogeneous + homogeneous case:
event_shape = (1,) + observation_dist.event_shape


[1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019)
“Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers” https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.13002.pdf
  • initial_logits (Tensor) – A logits tensor for an initial categorical distribution over latent states. Should have rightmost size state_dim and be broadcastable to batch_shape + (state_dim,).
  • transition_logits (Tensor) – A logits tensor for transition conditional distributions between latent states. Should have rightmost shape (state_dim, state_dim) (old, new), and be broadcastable to batch_shape + (num_steps, state_dim, state_dim).
  • observation_dist (Distribution) – A conditional distribution of observed data conditioned on latent state. The .batch_shape should have rightmost size state_dim and be broadcastable to batch_shape + (num_steps, state_dim). The .event_shape may be arbitrary.
arg_constraints = {'initial_logits': Real(), 'transition_logits': Real()}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]

Compute posterior over final state given a sequence of observations.

Parameters:value (Tensor) – A sequence of observations.
Returns:A posterior distribution over latent states at the final time step. result.logits can then be used as initial_logits in a sequential Pyro model for prediction.
Return type:Categorical


class Empirical(samples, log_weights, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Empirical distribution associated with the sampled data. Note that the shape requirement for log_weights is that its shape must match the leftmost shape of samples. Samples are aggregated along the aggregation_dim, which is the rightmost dim of log_weights.


>>> emp_dist = Empirical(torch.randn(2, 3, 10), torch.ones(2, 3))
>>> emp_dist.batch_shape
>>> emp_dist.event_shape
>>> single_sample = emp_dist.sample()
>>> single_sample.shape
torch.Size([2, 10])
>>> batch_sample = emp_dist.sample((100,))
>>> batch_sample.shape
torch.Size([100, 2, 10])
>>> emp_dist.log_prob(single_sample).shape
>>> # Vectorized samples cannot be scored by log_prob.
>>> with pyro.validation_enabled():
...     emp_dist.log_prob(batch_sample).shape
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ``value.shape`` must be torch.Size([2, 10])
  • samples (torch.Tensor) – samples from the empirical distribution.
  • log_weights (torch.Tensor) – log weights (optional) corresponding to the samples.
arg_constraints = {}

See pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution.enumerate_support()


See pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution.event_shape()

has_enumerate_support = True

Returns the log of the probability mass function evaluated at value. Note that this currently only supports scoring values with empty sample_shape.

Parameters:value (torch.Tensor) – scalar or tensor value to be scored.

See pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution.mean()


See pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution.sample()


Number of samples that constitute the empirical distribution.

Return int:number of samples collected.
support = Real()

See pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution.variance()


class GammaPoisson(concentration, rate, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Compound distribution comprising of a gamma-poisson pair, also referred to as a gamma-poisson mixture. The rate parameter for the Poisson distribution is unknown and randomly drawn from a Gamma distribution.


This can be treated as an alternate parametrization of the NegativeBinomial (total_count, probs) distribution, with concentration = total_count and rate = (1 - probs) / probs.

  • or torch.Tensor concentration (float) – shape parameter (alpha) of the Gamma distribution.
  • or torch.Tensor rate (float) – rate parameter (beta) for the Gamma distribution.
arg_constraints = {'concentration': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'rate': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0)}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
support = IntegerGreaterThan(lower_bound=0)


class GaussianHMM(initial_dist, transition_matrix, transition_dist, observation_matrix, observation_dist, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Hidden Markov Model with Gaussians for initial, transition, and observation distributions. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity, however it differs in that it tracks the log normalizer to ensure log_prob() is differentiable.

This corresponds to the generative model:

z = initial_distribution.sample()
x = []
for t in range(num_events):
    z = z @ transition_matrix + transition_dist.sample()
    x.append(z @ observation_matrix + observation_dist.sample())

The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:

event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape

This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of transition_dist and observation_dist. However, because time is included in this distribution’s event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with num_steps = 1, allowing log_prob() to work with arbitrary length data:

event_shape = (1, obs_dim)  # homogeneous + homogeneous case


[1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019)
“Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers” https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.13002.pdf
  • hidden_dim (int) – The dimension of the hidden state.
  • obs_dim (int) – The dimension of the observed state.
  • initial_dist (MultivariateNormal) – A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape. This should have event_shape (hidden_dim,).
  • transition_matrix (Tensor) – A linear transformation of hidden state. This should have shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, hidden_dim) where the rightmost dims are ordered (old, new).
  • transition_dist (MultivariateNormal) – A process noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape + (num_steps,). This should have event_shape (hidden_dim,).
  • observation_matrix (Tensor) – A linear transformation from hidden to observed state. This should have shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, obs_dim).
  • observation_dist (MultivariateNormal or Normal) – An observation noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape + (num_steps,). This should have event_shape (obs_dim,).
arg_constraints = {}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]

Compute posterior over final state given a sequence of observations.

Parameters:value (Tensor) – A sequence of observations.
Returns:A posterior distribution over latent states at the final time step. result can then be used as initial_dist in a sequential Pyro model for prediction.
Return type:MultivariateNormal


class GaussianMRF(initial_dist, transition_dist, observation_dist, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Temporal Markov Random Field with Gaussian factors for initial, transition, and observation distributions. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity, however it differs in that it tracks the log normalizer to ensure log_prob() is differentiable.

The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:

event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape

This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of transition_dist and observation_dist. However, because time is included in this distribution’s event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with num_steps = 1, allowing log_prob() to work with arbitrary length data:

event_shape = (1, obs_dim)  # homogeneous + homogeneous case


[1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019)
“Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers” https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.13002.pdf
  • hidden_dim (int) – The dimension of the hidden state.
  • obs_dim (int) – The dimension of the observed state.
  • initial_dist (MultivariateNormal) – A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape. This should have event_shape (hidden_dim,).
  • transition_dist (MultivariateNormal) – A joint distribution factor over a pair of successive time steps. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape + (num_steps,). This should have event_shape (hidden_dim + hidden_dim,) (old+new).
  • observation_dist (MultivariateNormal) – A joint distribution factor over a hidden and an observed state. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to self.batch_shape + (num_steps,). This should have event_shape (hidden_dim + obs_dim,).
arg_constraints = {}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]


class GaussianScaleMixture(coord_scale, component_logits, component_scale)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Mixture of Normal distributions with zero mean and diagonal covariance matrices.

That is, this distribution is a mixture with K components, where each component distribution is a D-dimensional Normal distribution with zero mean and a D-dimensional diagonal covariance matrix. The K different covariance matrices are controlled by the parameters coord_scale and component_scale. That is, the covariance matrix of the k’th component is given by

Sigma_ii = (component_scale_k * coord_scale_i) ** 2 (i = 1, …, D)

where component_scale_k is a positive scale factor and coord_scale_i are positive scale parameters shared between all K components. The mixture weights are controlled by a K-dimensional vector of softmax logits, component_logits. This distribution implements pathwise derivatives for samples from the distribution. This distribution does not currently support batched parameters.

See reference [1] for details on the implementations of the pathwise derivative. Please consider citing this reference if you use the pathwise derivative in your research.

[1] Pathwise Derivatives for Multivariate Distributions, Martin Jankowiak & Theofanis Karaletsos. arXiv:1806.01856

Note that this distribution supports both even and odd dimensions, but the former should be more a bit higher precision, since it doesn’t use any erfs in the backward call. Also note that this distribution does not support D = 1.

  • coord_scale (torch.tensor) – D-dimensional vector of scales
  • component_logits (torch.tensor) – K-dimensional vector of logits
  • component_scale (torch.tensor) – K-dimensional vector of scale multipliers
arg_constraints = {'component_logits': Real(), 'component_scale': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'coord_scale': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0)}
has_rsample = True


class InverseGamma(concentration, rate, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch.TransformedDistribution

Creates an inverse-gamma distribution parameterized by concentration and rate.

X ~ Gamma(concentration, rate) Y = 1/X ~ InverseGamma(concentration, rate)
  • concentration (torch.Tensor) – the concentration parameter (i.e. alpha).
  • rate (torch.Tensor) – the rate parameter (i.e. beta).
arg_constraints = {'concentration': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'rate': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0)}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
has_rsample = True
support = GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0)


class LKJCorrCholesky(d, eta, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Generates cholesky factors of correlation matrices using an LKJ prior.

The expected use is to combine it with a vector of variances and pass it to the scale_tril parameter of a multivariate distribution such as MultivariateNormal.

E.g., if theta is a (positive) vector of covariances with the same dimensionality as this distribution, and Omega is sampled from this distribution, scale_tril=torch.mm(torch.diag(sqrt(theta)), Omega)

Note that the event_shape of this distribution is [d, d]


When using this distribution with HMC/NUTS, it is important to use a step_size such as 1e-4. If not, you are likely to experience LAPACK errors regarding positive-definiteness.

For example usage, refer to pyro/examples/lkj.py.

  • d (int) – Dimensionality of the matrix
  • eta (torch.Tensor) – A single positive number parameterizing the distribution.
arg_constraints = {'eta': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0)}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
has_rsample = False
lkj_constant(eta, K)[source]
support = CorrCholesky()


class MaskedMixture(mask, component0, component1, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

A masked deterministic mixture of two distributions.

This is useful when the mask is sampled from another distribution, possibly correlated across the batch. Often the mask can be marginalized out via enumeration.


change_point = pyro.sample("change_point",
                           dist.Categorical(torch.ones(len(data) + 1)),
                           infer={'enumerate': 'parallel'})
mask = torch.arange(len(data), dtype=torch.long) >= changepoint
with pyro.plate("data", len(data)):
    pyro.sample("obs", MaskedMixture(mask, dist1, dist2), obs=data)
arg_constraints = {}


class MixtureOfDiagNormals(locs, coord_scale, component_logits)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Mixture of Normal distributions with arbitrary means and arbitrary diagonal covariance matrices.

That is, this distribution is a mixture with K components, where each component distribution is a D-dimensional Normal distribution with a D-dimensional mean parameter and a D-dimensional diagonal covariance matrix. The K different component means are gathered into the K x D dimensional parameter locs and the K different scale parameters are gathered into the K x D dimensional parameter coord_scale. The mixture weights are controlled by a K-dimensional vector of softmax logits, component_logits. This distribution implements pathwise derivatives for samples from the distribution.

See reference [1] for details on the implementations of the pathwise derivative. Please consider citing this reference if you use the pathwise derivative in your research. Note that this distribution does not support dimension D = 1.

[1] Pathwise Derivatives for Multivariate Distributions, Martin Jankowiak & Theofanis Karaletsos. arXiv:1806.01856

arg_constraints = {'component_logits': Real(), 'coord_scale': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'locs': Real()}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
has_rsample = True


class MixtureOfDiagNormalsSharedCovariance(locs, coord_scale, component_logits)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Mixture of Normal distributions with diagonal covariance matrices.

That is, this distribution is a mixture with K components, where each component distribution is a D-dimensional Normal distribution with a D-dimensional mean parameter loc and a D-dimensional diagonal covariance matrix specified by a scale parameter coord_scale. The K different component means are gathered into the parameter locs and the scale parameter is shared between all K components. The mixture weights are controlled by a K-dimensional vector of softmax logits, component_logits. This distribution implements pathwise derivatives for samples from the distribution.

See reference [1] for details on the implementations of the pathwise derivative. Please consider citing this reference if you use the pathwise derivative in your research. Note that this distribution does not support dimension D = 1.

[1] Pathwise Derivatives for Multivariate Distributions, Martin Jankowiak & Theofanis Karaletsos. arXiv:1806.01856

  • locs (torch.Tensor) – K x D mean matrix
  • coord_scale (torch.Tensor) – shared D-dimensional scale vector
  • component_logits (torch.Tensor) – K-dimensional vector of softmax logits
arg_constraints = {'component_logits': Real(), 'coord_scale': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'locs': Real()}
expand(batch_shape, _instance=None)[source]
has_rsample = True


class OMTMultivariateNormal(loc, scale_tril)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch.MultivariateNormal

Multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution with OMT gradients w.r.t. both parameters. Note the gradient computation w.r.t. the Cholesky factor has cost O(D^3), although the resulting gradient variance is generally expected to be lower.

A distribution over vectors in which all the elements have a joint Gaussian density.

arg_constraints = {'loc': Real(), 'scale_tril': LowerTriangular()}


class RelaxedBernoulliStraightThrough(temperature, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch.RelaxedBernoulli

An implementation of RelaxedBernoulli with a straight-through gradient estimator.

This distribution has the following properties:

  • The samples returned by the rsample() method are discrete/quantized.
  • The log_prob() method returns the log probability of the relaxed/unquantized sample using the GumbelSoftmax distribution.
  • In the backward pass the gradient of the sample with respect to the parameters of the distribution uses the relaxed/unquantized sample.


[1] The Concrete Distribution: A Continuous Relaxation of Discrete Random Variables,
Chris J. Maddison, Andriy Mnih, Yee Whye Teh
[2] Categorical Reparameterization with Gumbel-Softmax,
Eric Jang, Shixiang Gu, Ben Poole

See pyro.distributions.torch.RelaxedBernoulli.log_prob()


See pyro.distributions.torch.RelaxedBernoulli.rsample()


class RelaxedOneHotCategoricalStraightThrough(temperature, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch.RelaxedOneHotCategorical

An implementation of RelaxedOneHotCategorical with a straight-through gradient estimator.

This distribution has the following properties:

  • The samples returned by the rsample() method are discrete/quantized.
  • The log_prob() method returns the log probability of the relaxed/unquantized sample using the GumbelSoftmax distribution.
  • In the backward pass the gradient of the sample with respect to the parameters of the distribution uses the relaxed/unquantized sample.


[1] The Concrete Distribution: A Continuous Relaxation of Discrete Random Variables,
Chris J. Maddison, Andriy Mnih, Yee Whye Teh
[2] Categorical Reparameterization with Gumbel-Softmax,
Eric Jang, Shixiang Gu, Ben Poole

See pyro.distributions.torch.RelaxedOneHotCategorical.log_prob()


See pyro.distributions.torch.RelaxedOneHotCategorical.rsample()


class Rejector(propose, log_prob_accept, log_scale)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Rejection sampled distribution given an acceptance rate function.

  • propose (Distribution) – A proposal distribution that samples batched proposals via propose(). rsample() supports a sample_shape arg only if propose() supports a sample_shape arg.
  • log_prob_accept (callable) – A callable that inputs a batch of proposals and returns a batch of log acceptance probabilities.
  • log_scale – Total log probability of acceptance.
has_rsample = True


class SpanningTree(edge_logits, sampler_options=None, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Distribution over spanning trees on a fixed number V of vertices.

A tree is represented as torch.LongTensor edges of shape (V-1,2) satisfying the following properties:

  1. The edges constitute a tree, i.e. are connected and cycle free.
  2. Each edge (v1,v2) = edges[e] is sorted, i.e. v1 < v2.
  3. The entire tensor is sorted in colexicographic order.

Use validate_edges() to verify edges are correctly formed.

The edge_logits tensor has one entry for each of the V*(V-1)//2 edges in the complete graph on V vertices, where edges are each sorted and the edge order is colexicographic:

(0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (0,3), (1,3), (2,3), (0,4), (1,4), (2,4), ...

This ordering corresponds to the size-independent pairing function:

k = v1 + v2 * (v2 - 1) // 2

where k is the rank of the edge (v1,v2) in the complete graph. To convert a matrix of edge logits to the linear representation used here:

assert my_matrix.shape == (V, V)
i, j = make_complete_graph(V)
edge_logits = my_matrix[i, j]
  • edge_logits (torch.Tensor) – A tensor of length V*(V-1)//2 containing logits (aka negative energies) of all edges in the complete graph on V vertices. See above comment for edge ordering.
  • sampler_options (dict) – An optional dict of sampler options including: mcmc_steps defaulting to a single MCMC step (which is pretty good); initial_edges defaulting to a cheap approximate sample; backend one of “python” or “cpp”, defaulting to “python”.
arg_constraints = {'edge_logits': Real()}

This is implemented for trees with up to 6 vertices (and 5 edges).

has_enumerate_support = True

This sampler is implemented using MCMC run for a small number of steps after being initialized by a cheap approximate sampler. This sampler is approximate and cubic time. This is faster than the classic Aldous-Broder sampler [1,2], especially for graphs with large mixing time. Recent research [3,4] proposes samplers that run in sub-matrix-multiply time but are more complex to implement.


[1] Generating random spanning trees
Andrei Broder (1989)
[2] The Random Walk Construction of Uniform Spanning Trees and Uniform Labelled Trees,
David J. Aldous (1990)
[3] Sampling Random Spanning Trees Faster than Matrix Multiplication,
David Durfee, Rasmus Kyng, John Peebles, Anup B. Rao, Sushant Sachdeva (2017) https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.07451
[4] An almost-linear time algorithm for uniform random spanning tree generation,
Aaron Schild (2017) https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06455
support = IntegerGreaterThan(lower_bound=0)

Validates a batch of edges tensors, as returned by sample() or enumerate_support() or as input to log_prob().

Parameters:edges (torch.LongTensor) – A batch of edges.


class VonMises(loc, concentration, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

A circular von Mises distribution.

This implementation uses polar coordinates. The loc and value args can be any real number (to facilitate unconstrained optimization), but are interpreted as angles modulo 2 pi.

See VonMises3D for a 3D cartesian coordinate cousin of this distribution.

arg_constraints = {'concentration': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0), 'loc': Real()}
has_rsample = False

The provided mean is the circular one.


The sampling algorithm for the von Mises distribution is based on the following paper: Best, D. J., and Nicholas I. Fisher. “Efficient simulation of the von Mises distribution.” Applied Statistics (1979): 152-157.

support = Real()

The provided variance is the circular one.


class VonMises3D(concentration, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

Spherical von Mises distribution.

This implementation combines the direction parameter and concentration parameter into a single combined parameter that contains both direction and magnitude. The value arg is represented in cartesian coordinates: it must be a normalized 3-vector that lies on the 2-sphere.

See VonMises for a 2D polar coordinate cousin of this distribution.

Currently only log_prob() is implemented.

Parameters:concentration (torch.Tensor) – A combined location-and-concentration vector. The direction of this vector is the location, and its magnitude is the concentration.
arg_constraints = {'concentration': Real()}
support = Real()


class ZeroInflatedPoisson(gate, rate, validate_args=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistribution

A Zero Inflated Poisson distribution.

arg_constraints = {'gate': Interval(lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=1.0), 'rate': GreaterThan(lower_bound=0.0)}
support = IntegerGreaterThan(lower_bound=0)

Transformed Distributions


class AffineCoupling(split_dim, hypernet, log_scale_min_clip=-5.0, log_scale_max_clip=3.0)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

An implementation of the affine coupling layer of RealNVP (Dinh et al., 2017) that uses the transformation,

\(\mathbf{y}_{1:d} = \mathbf{x}_{1:d}\) \(\mathbf{y}_{(d+1):D} = \mu + \sigma\odot\mathbf{x}_{(d+1):D}\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, e.g. \(\mathbf{x}_{1:d} represents the first :math:\) elements of the inputs, and \(\mu,\sigma\) are shift and translation parameters calculated as the output of a function inputting only \(\mathbf{x}_{1:d}\).

That is, the first \(d\) components remain unchanged, and the subsequent \(D-d\) are shifted and translated by a function of the previous components.

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import DenseNN
>>> input_dim = 10
>>> split_dim = 6
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(input_dim), torch.ones(input_dim))
>>> hypernet = DenseNN(split_dim, [10*input_dim], [input_dim-split_dim, input_dim-split_dim])
>>> flow = AffineCoupling(split_dim, hypernet)
>>> pyro.module("my_flow", flow)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> flow_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [flow])
>>> flow_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse of the Bijector is required when, e.g., scoring the log density of a sample with TransformedDistribution. This implementation caches the inverse of the Bijector when its forward operation is called, e.g., when sampling from TransformedDistribution. However, if the cached value isn’t available, either because it was overwritten during sampling a new value or an arbitary value is being scored, it will calculate it manually.

This is an operation that scales as O(1), i.e. constant in the input dimension. So in general, it is cheap to sample and score (an arbitrary value) from AffineCoupling.

  • split_dim (int) – Zero-indexed dimension \(d\) upon which to perform input/output split for transformation.
  • hypernet (callable) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a real-valued mean and logit-scale as a tuple. The input should have final dimension split_dim and the output final dimension input_dim-split_dim for each member of the tuple.
  • log_scale_min_clip (float) – The minimum value for clipping the log(scale) from the autoregressive NN
  • log_scale_max_clip (float) – The maximum value for clipping the log(scale) from the autoregressive NN


Laurent Dinh, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, and Samy Bengio. Density estimation using Real NVP. ICLR 2017.

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian


class BatchNormTransform(input_dim, momentum=0.1, epsilon=1e-05)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

A type of batch normalization that can be used to stabilize training in normalizing flows. The inverse operation is defined as

\(x = (y - \hat{\mu}) \oslash \sqrt{\hat{\sigma^2}} \otimes \gamma + \beta\)

that is, the standard batch norm equation, where \(x\) is the input, \(y\) is the output, \(\gamma,\beta\) are learnable parameters, and \(\hat{\mu}\)/\(\hat{\sigma^2}\) are smoothed running averages of the sample mean and variance, respectively. The constraint \(\gamma>0\) is enforced to ease calculation of the log-det-Jacobian term.

This is an element-wise transform, and when applied to a vector, learns two parameters (\(\gamma,\beta\)) for each dimension of the input.

When the module is set to training mode, the moving averages of the sample mean and variance are updated every time the inverse operator is called, e.g., when a normalizing flow scores a minibatch with the log_prob method.

Also, when the module is set to training mode, the sample mean and variance on the current minibatch are used in place of the smoothed averages, \(\hat{\mu}\) and \(\hat{\sigma^2}\), for the inverse operator. For this reason it is not the case that \(x=g(g^{-1}(x))\) during training, i.e., that the inverse operation is the inverse of the forward one.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> from pyro.distributions import InverseAutoregressiveFlow
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> iafs = [InverseAutoregressiveFlow(AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40])) for _ in range(2)]
>>> bn = BatchNormTransform(10)
>>> flow_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [iafs[0], bn, iafs[1]])
>>> flow_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])
  • input_dim (int) – the dimension of the input
  • momentum (float) – momentum parameter for updating moving averages
  • epsilon (float) – small number to add to variances to ensure numerical stability


[1] Sergey Ioffe and Christian Szegedy. Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2015. https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167

[2] Laurent Dinh, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, and Samy Bengio. Density Estimation using Real NVP. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2017. https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.08803

[3] George Papamakarios, Theo Pavlakou, and Iain Murray. Masked Autoregressive Flow for Density Estimation. In Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017. https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.07057

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 0
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian, dx/dy


class BlockAutoregressive(input_dim, hidden_factors=[8, 8], activation='tanh', residual=None)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

An implementation of Block Neural Autoregressive Flow (block-NAF) (De Cao et al., 2019) transformation. Block-NAF uses a similar transformation to deep dense NAF, building the autoregressive NN into the structure of the flow, in a sense.

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> naf = BlockAutoregressive(input_dim=10)
>>> pyro.module("my_naf", naf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> naf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [naf])
>>> naf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse operation is not implemented. This would require numerical inversion, e.g., using a root finding method - a possibility for a future implementation.

  • input_dim (int) – The dimensionality of the input and output variables.
  • hidden_factors (list) – Hidden layer i has hidden_factors[i] hidden units per input dimension. This corresponds to both \(a\) and \(b\) in De Cao et al. (2019). The elements of hidden_factors must be integers.
  • activation (string) – Activation function to use. One of ‘ELU’, ‘LeakyReLU’, ‘sigmoid’, or ‘tanh’.
  • residual (string) – Type of residual connections to use. Choices are “None”, “normal” for \(\mathbf{y}+f(\mathbf{y})\), and “gated” for \(\alpha\mathbf{y} + (1 - \alpha\mathbf{y})\) for learnable parameter \(\alpha\).


Block Neural Autoregressive Flow [arXiv:1904.04676] Nicola De Cao, Ivan Titov, Wilker Aziz

autoregressive = True
bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian


class DeepELUFlow(autoregressive_nn, hidden_units=16)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.transforms.naf.ELUMixin, pyro.distributions.transforms.naf.DeepNAFFlow

An implementation of deep ELU flow (DSF) Neural Autoregressive Flow (NAF), of the “IAF flavour” that can be used for sampling and scoring samples drawn from it (but not arbitrary ones). This flow is suggested in Huang et al., 2018, section 3.3, but left for future experiments.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> arn = AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40], param_dims=[16]*3)
>>> naf = DeepELUFlow(arn, hidden_units=16)
>>> pyro.module("my_naf", naf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> naf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [naf])
>>> naf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse operation is not implemented. This would require numerical inversion, e.g., using a root finding method - a possibility for a future implementation.

  • autoregressive_nn (nn.Module) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a tuple of three real-valued tensors, whose last dimension is the input dimension, and whose penultimate dimension is equal to hidden_units.
  • hidden_units (int) – the number of hidden units to use in the NAF transformation (see Eq (8) in reference)


Neural Autoregressive Flows [arXiv:1804.00779] Chin-Wei Huang, David Krueger, Alexandre Lacoste, Aaron Courville


class DeepLeakyReLUFlow(autoregressive_nn, hidden_units=16)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.transforms.naf.LeakyReLUMixin, pyro.distributions.transforms.naf.DeepNAFFlow

An implementation of deep leaky ReLU flow (DSF) Neural Autoregressive Flow (NAF), of the “IAF flavour” that can be used for sampling and scoring samples drawn from it (but not arbitrary ones). This flow is suggested in Huang et al., 2018, section 3.3, but left for future experiments.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> arn = AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40], param_dims=[16]*3)
>>> naf = DeepLeakyReLUFlow(arn, hidden_units=16)
>>> pyro.module("my_naf", naf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> naf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [naf])
>>> naf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse operation is not implemented. This would require numerical inversion, e.g., using a root finding method - a possibility for a future implementation.

  • autoregressive_nn (nn.Module) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a tuple of three real-valued tensors, whose last dimension is the input dimension, and whose penultimate dimension is equal to hidden_units.
  • hidden_units (int) – the number of hidden units to use in the NAF transformation (see Eq (8) in reference)


Neural Autoregressive Flows [arXiv:1804.00779] Chin-Wei Huang, David Krueger, Alexandre Lacoste, Aaron Courville


class DeepSigmoidalFlow(autoregressive_nn, hidden_units=16)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.transforms.naf.SigmoidalMixin, pyro.distributions.transforms.naf.DeepNAFFlow

An implementation of deep sigmoidal flow (DSF) Neural Autoregressive Flow (NAF), of the “IAF flavour” that can be used for sampling and scoring samples drawn from it (but not arbitrary ones).

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> arn = AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40], param_dims=[16]*3)
>>> naf = DeepSigmoidalFlow(arn, hidden_units=16)
>>> pyro.module("my_naf", naf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> naf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [naf])
>>> naf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse operation is not implemented. This would require numerical inversion, e.g., using a root finding method - a possibility for a future implementation.

  • autoregressive_nn (nn.Module) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a tuple of three real-valued tensors, whose last dimension is the input dimension, and whose penultimate dimension is equal to hidden_units.
  • hidden_units (int) – the number of hidden units to use in the NAF transformation (see Eq (8) in reference)


Neural Autoregressive Flows [arXiv:1804.00779] Chin-Wei Huang, David Krueger, Alexandre Lacoste, Aaron Courville


class HouseholderFlow(input_dim, count_transforms=1)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

A flow formed from multiple applications of the Householder transformation. A single Householder transformation takes the form,

\(\mathbf{y} = (I - 2*\frac{\mathbf{u}\mathbf{u}^T}{||\mathbf{u}||^2})\mathbf{x}\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, and the learnable parameters are \(\mathbf{u}\in\mathbb{R}^D\) for input dimension \(D\).

The transformation represents the reflection of \(\mathbf{x}\) through the plane passing through the origin with normal \(\mathbf{u}\).

\(D\) applications of this transformation are able to transform standard i.i.d. standard Gaussian noise into a Gaussian variable with an arbitrary covariance matrix. With \(K<D\) transformations, one is able to approximate a full-rank Gaussian distribution using a linear transformation of rank \(K\).

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> flow = HouseholderFlow(10, count_transforms=5)
>>> pyro.module("my_flow", p) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> flow_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, flow)
>>> flow_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])
  • input_dim (int) – the dimension of the input (and output) variable.
  • count_transforms (int) – number of applications of Householder transformation to apply.


Improving Variational Auto-Encoders using Householder Flow, [arXiv:1611.09630] Tomczak, J. M., & Welling, M.

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian. Householder flow is measure preserving, so \(\log(|detJ|) = 0\)

volume_preserving = True


class InverseAutoregressiveFlow(autoregressive_nn, log_scale_min_clip=-5.0, log_scale_max_clip=3.0)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

An implementation of Inverse Autoregressive Flow, using Eq (10) from Kingma Et Al., 2016,

\(\mathbf{y} = \mu_t + \sigma_t\odot\mathbf{x}\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, \(\mu_t,\sigma_t\) are calculated from an autoregressive network on \(\mathbf{x}\), and \(\sigma_t>0\).

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> iaf = InverseAutoregressiveFlow(AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40]))
>>> pyro.module("my_iaf", iaf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> iaf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [iaf])
>>> iaf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse of the Bijector is required when, e.g., scoring the log density of a sample with TransformedDistribution. This implementation caches the inverse of the Bijector when its forward operation is called, e.g., when sampling from TransformedDistribution. However, if the cached value isn’t available, either because it was overwritten during sampling a new value or an arbitary value is being scored, it will calculate it manually. Note that this is an operation that scales as O(D) where D is the input dimension, and so should be avoided for large dimensional uses. So in general, it is cheap to sample from IAF and score a value that was sampled by IAF, but expensive to score an arbitrary value.

  • autoregressive_nn (nn.Module) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a real-valued mean and logit-scale as a tuple
  • log_scale_min_clip (float) – The minimum value for clipping the log(scale) from the autoregressive NN
  • log_scale_max_clip (float) – The maximum value for clipping the log(scale) from the autoregressive NN


1. Improving Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow [arXiv:1606.04934] Diederik P. Kingma, Tim Salimans, Rafal Jozefowicz, Xi Chen, Ilya Sutskever, Max Welling

2. Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows [arXiv:1505.05770] Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Shakir Mohamed

3. MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation [arXiv:1502.03509] Mathieu Germain, Karol Gregor, Iain Murray, Hugo Larochelle

autoregressive = True
bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian


class InverseAutoregressiveFlowStable(autoregressive_nn, sigmoid_bias=2.0)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

An implementation of an Inverse Autoregressive Flow, using Eqs (13)/(14) from Kingma Et Al., 2016,

\(\mathbf{y} = \sigma_t\odot\mathbf{x} + (1-\sigma_t)\odot\mu_t\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, \(\mu_t,\sigma_t\) are calculated from an autoregressive network on \(\mathbf{x}\), and \(\sigma_t\) is restricted to \((0,1)\).

This variant of IAF is claimed by the authors to be more numerically stable than one using Eq (10), although in practice it leads to a restriction on the distributions that can be represented, presumably since the input is restricted to rescaling by a number on \((0,1)\).

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> iaf = InverseAutoregressiveFlowStable(AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40]))
>>> iaf_module = pyro.module("my_iaf", iaf)
>>> iaf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [iaf])
>>> iaf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

See InverseAutoregressiveFlow docs for a discussion of the running cost.

  • autoregressive_nn (nn.Module) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a real-valued mean and logit-scale as a tuple
  • sigmoid_bias (float) – bias on the hidden units fed into the sigmoid; default=`2.0`


1. Improving Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow [arXiv:1606.04934] Diederik P. Kingma, Tim Salimans, Rafal Jozefowicz, Xi Chen, Ilya Sutskever, Max Welling

2. Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows [arXiv:1505.05770] Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Shakir Mohamed

3. MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation [arXiv:1502.03509] Mathieu Germain, Karol Gregor, Iain Murray, Hugo Larochelle

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian


class PermuteTransform(permutation)[source]

Bases: torch.distributions.transforms.Transform

A bijection that reorders the input dimensions, that is, multiplies the input by a permutation matrix. This is useful in between InverseAutoregressiveFlow transforms to increase the flexibility of the resulting distribution and stabilize learning. Whilst not being an autoregressive transform, the log absolute determinate of the Jacobian is easily calculable as 0. Note that reordering the input dimension between two layers of InverseAutoregressiveFlow is not equivalent to reordering the dimension inside the MADE networks that those IAFs use; using a PermuteTransform results in a distribution with more flexibility.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> from pyro.distributions import InverseAutoregressiveFlow, PermuteTransform
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> iaf1 = InverseAutoregressiveFlow(AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40]))
>>> ff = PermuteTransform(torch.randperm(10, dtype=torch.long))
>>> iaf2 = InverseAutoregressiveFlow(AutoRegressiveNN(10, [40]))
>>> iaf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [iaf1, ff, iaf2])
>>> iaf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])
Parameters:permutation (torch.LongTensor) – a permutation ordering that is applied to the inputs.
bijective = True
codomain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log Jacobian, i.e. log(abs([dy_0/dx_0, …, dy_{N-1}/dx_{N-1}])). Note that this type of transform is not autoregressive, so the log Jacobian is not the sum of the previous expression. However, it turns out it’s always 0 (since the determinant is -1 or +1), and so returning a vector of zeros works.

volume_preserving = True


class PlanarFlow(input_dim)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

A ‘planar’ normalizing flow that uses the transformation

\(\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{u}\tanh(\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{z}+b)\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, and the learnable parameters are \(b\in\mathbb{R}\), \(\mathbf{u}\in\mathbb{R}^D\), \(\mathbf{w}\in\mathbb{R}^D\) for input dimension \(D\). For this to be an invertible transformation, the condition \(\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{u}>-1\) is enforced.

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> plf = PlanarFlow(10)
>>> pyro.module("my_plf", plf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> plf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [plf])
>>> plf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse of this transform does not possess an analytical solution and is left unimplemented. However, the inverse is cached when the forward operation is called during sampling, and so samples drawn using planar flow can be scored.

Parameters:input_dim (int) – the dimension of the input (and output) variable.


Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows [arXiv:1505.05770] Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Shakir Mohamed

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian



class PolynomialFlow(autoregressive_nn, input_dim, count_degree, count_sum)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

An autoregressive normalizing flow as described in Jaini et al. (2019) using the element-wise transformation

\(y_n = c_n + \int^{x_n}_0\sum^K_{k=1}\left(\sum^R_{r=0}a^{(n)}_{r,k}u^r\right)du\)

where \(x_n\) is the \(n\) is the \(n\), \(\left{a^{(n)}_{r,k}\in\mathbb{R}\right}\) are learnable parameters that are the output of an autoregressive NN inputting \(x_{\prec n}={x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_{n-1}}\).

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> from pyro.nn import AutoRegressiveNN
>>> input_dim = 10
>>> count_degree = 4
>>> count_sum = 3
>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(input_dim), torch.ones(input_dim))
>>> arn = AutoRegressiveNN(input_dim, [input_dim*10], param_dims=[(count_degree + 1)*count_sum])
>>> flow = PolynomialFlow(arn, input_dim=input_dim, count_degree=count_degree, count_sum=count_sum)
>>> pyro.module("my_flow", flow)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> flow_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [flow])
>>> flow_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse of this transform does not possess an analytical solution and is left unimplemented. However, the inverse is cached when the forward operation is called during sampling, and so samples drawn using polynomial flow can be scored.

  • autoregressive_nn (nn.Module) – an autoregressive neural network whose forward call returns a tensor of real-valued numbers of size (batch_size, (count_degree+1)*count_sum, input_dim)
  • count_degree (int) – The degree of the polynomial to use for each element-wise transformation.
  • count_sum (int) – The number of polynomials to sum in each element-wise transformation.


Sum-of-squares polynomial flow. [arXiv:1905.02325] Priyank Jaini, Kira A. Shelby, Yaoliang Yu

autoregressive = True
bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log Jacobian



class RadialFlow(input_dim)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.torch_transform.TransformModule

A ‘radial’ normalizing flow that uses the transformation

\(\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{x} + \beta h(\alpha,r)(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_0)\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, and the learnable parameters are \(\alpha\in\mathbb{R}^+\), \(\beta\in\mathbb{R}\), \(\mathbf{x}_0\in\mathbb{R}^D\), for input dimension \(D\), \(r=||\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_0||_2\), \(h(\alpha,r)=1/(\alpha+r)\). For this to be an invertible transformation, the condition \(\beta>-\alpha\) is enforced.

Together with TransformedDistribution this provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> flow = RadialFlow(10)
>>> pyro.module("my_flow", flow)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> flow_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [flow])
>>> flow_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse of this transform does not possess an analytical solution and is left unimplemented. However, the inverse is cached when the forward operation is called during sampling, and so samples drawn using radial flow can be scored.

Parameters:input_dim (int) – the dimension of the input (and output) variable.


Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows [arXiv:1505.05770] Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Shakir Mohamed

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian



class SylvesterFlow(input_dim, count_transforms=1)[source]

Bases: pyro.distributions.transforms.householder.HouseholderFlow

An implementation of Sylvester flow of the Householder variety (Van den Berg Et Al., 2018),

\(\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{x} + QR\tanh(SQ^T\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{b})\)

where \(\mathbf{x}\) are the inputs, \(\mathbf{y}\) are the outputs, \(R,S\sim D\times D\) are upper triangular matrices for input dimension \(D\), \(Q\sim D\times D\) is an orthogonal matrix, and \(\mathbf{b}\sim D\) is learnable bias term.

Sylvester flow is a generalization of Planar flow. In the Householder type of Sylvester flow, the orthogonality of \(Q\) is enforced by representing it as the product of Householder transformations

Together with TransformedDistribution it provides a way to create richer variational approximations.

Example usage:

>>> base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(10))
>>> hsf = SylvesterFlow(10, count_transforms=4)
>>> pyro.module("my_hsf", hsf)  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> hsf_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, [hsf])
>>> hsf_dist.sample()  # doctest: +SKIP
    tensor([-0.4071, -0.5030,  0.7924, -0.2366, -0.2387, -0.1417,  0.0868,
            0.1389, -0.4629,  0.0986])

The inverse of this transform does not possess an analytical solution and is left unimplemented. However, the inverse is cached when the forward operation is called during sampling, and so samples drawn using Sylvester flow can be scored.


Rianne van den Berg, Leonard Hasenclever, Jakub M. Tomczak, Max Welling. Sylvester Normalizing Flows for Variational Inference. In proceedings of The 34th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2018).

bijective = True
codomain = Real()
domain = Real()
event_dim = 1
log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)[source]

Calculates the elementwise determinant of the log jacobian



class TransformModule(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: torch.distributions.transforms.Transform, torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Transforms with learnable parameters such as normalizing flows should inherit from this class rather than Transform so they are also a subclass of nn.Module and inherit all the useful methods of that class.